Did you download the Linux build? I actually have a set of pretty comprehensive steps on getting this to run on Chromebook in the Install Instructions, not sure if you’re following them or not.
Hi! Just finished the game today. I cried but in a good way. It's amazing, I couldn't stop smiling at the end. So good. I hope I see more of your projects in the future!
the game won't download because it's not safe and might put a virus on my computer. any suggestions on how i can get it to work properly? i have a mac book pro, if that helps at all.
You’ll have to change either your browser or computer settings to be less strict, depending on which is giving you the warning. In general, it’s good to be vigilant in regards to internet security, but itch.io is a pretty popular/reputable website for indie games and I certainly haven’t put a virus in this file, so your computer will probably be fine!
so i tried to download the file multiple times but idk how computers work lol. it downloaded but idk how to open it. (i have a windows 10 if that helps in anyway)
click on the zip file, then open up the first file inside, then click the 'use your outside voice' application, it might come up with a virus warning but continue anyways, and then extract the files, it should turn into a little turtle and then you can play it. thats what worked for me :P also make sure its the right windows (theres a 32 bit one too)
brilliant work! i was surprised to see that you made the music, which i enjoyed a lot as well. i'm looking forward to any future projects you produce, keep up the great work!
That'll be the problem! The current Windows version is 64 bit so incompatible with your architecture- the vast majority of machines in the last 5 years are 64 bit so 32 bit is slowly getting phased out. I just added a 32 bit build which should be compatible with your laptop.
I just finihed it and i'm pretty obsessed!! Ik i'm gonna play it over and over again. Great job, and just... THANK YOU!! it truly helped my Reddie depression
hi, for some reason my Macbook air whenever I open the game it just says a whole bunch of words and stuff so then I tried the terminal thing and it didn't work its says the 'kind' was application, if anyone could help me that would be great :)
œ˙Ì˛Ä‡Ö H__PAGEZEROà__TEXT__text__TEXTÄ ÄÄ__stubs__TEXTääÄ__stub_helper__TEXTêêÄ__unwind_info__TEXT¨H¨Ë__DATA__nl_symbol_ptr__DATA__la_symbol_ptr__DATAH__LINKEDIT P"Ä0 @ h 8! P (! /usr/lib/dyld0RÏØ`ò2Çõ√®¯L±›∫$
*(ÄÄ P@executable_path/../Frameworks/UnityPlayer.dylib 0ê/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib 8˙‰/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&` )h UHâÂ]Èˇ%ÄLçqASˇ%aêhÈÊˇˇˇÄ44ã4 †"Q@dyld_stub_binderQrêr@__Z10PlayerMainiPPKcê__mh_execute_headerÄ<d£d¨fu¸`^.Ä $Ä$ N dÄ+ @ __mh_execute_header__Z10PlayerMainiPPKcdyld_stub_binder/Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/OSXPlayer/ShippedSource/MacPlayerEntryPoint/Main.cpp/Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/UnityPlayerExe/Mac64_nondev_m_r/62mt/Main.o_main_main" idk what it mean but if it helps I am opening it through package contents because I read and did all the other things from the comments and they didn't work so this was the closest I could get to opening it and when I open it with terminal tab it just says "
Last login: Sat Jun 20 03:28:49 on ttys001
briannagasper@MacBook-Air OutsideVoice.app % " any help is greatly appreciated :)
That’s really weird... that’s an error message you’d normally see while trying to build the game, not while trying to run it.
Can you delete all traces of this app and just try redownloading it?
The “kind” after executing the steps in the video should be “unix executable”, not “application” (of the Use Your Outside Voice file under Contents/MacOS; the kind of the OutsideVoice.app file should be “application”), so I’m not sure if something is getting messed up at that step. As a last ditch attempt you might also try renaming the “Use Your Outside Voice” file to something without spaces (which I probably should have done in the first place!)
Edit: You might also try updating xcode- I don't know if it will help, but apparently it's the fix for when this error appears while trying to build the game.
Hi, so i've seen a lot about this game, and really want to play, but for whatever reason, on my windows, it says the folder is denied. I'm fairly new to windows computers, so could you help me troubleshoot perhaps?
Hey! I've seen a lot of awesome stuff about the game! From what I have played IT IS SOOO GOOD!! But it keeps freezing every time I get to when they are adults at the neibolt house. I would really appreciate any help you can offer me because I really want to play this amazing game (If this is any help.. I'm on Windows and on a Acer Laptop.) Please if anyone can help!! :)
I have the same problem. Mine is right after Mike stands with them at the entrance after Bill gives his speech. BTW I'm also on Windows and on an Acer laptop, if that info helps. Please help us.
Sorry for taking so long to respond but i've tried those multiple times and it's unfortunately not working for me, any other things i could possibly try?
What happens if you right click OutsideVoice and select Show Package Contents->Contents->MacOS, right click Use Your Outside Voice (the only file in this directory) and try Open or Open with Terminal? If that doesn't work, can you right click/get info on it to see what "kind" of file it is being registered as?
hi! I was wondering what the name of the song or whatever.. It’s near to the end of the game where the losers are walking out of the place where they defeated pennywise...(just before the hospital scene) If you can please let me know, Thank you!
I’ve tried all the links and it says cannot open ‘OutsideVoice’ because no application can open it , it also says that it can’t be opened , I don’t know if it’s just my Mac, or something else
Ok- I'm assuming you're on Catalina. What happens if you right click OutsideVoice and select Show Package Contents->Contents->MacOS, right click Use Your Outside Voice (the only file in this directory) and try Open or Open with Terminal? If that doesn't work, can you right click/get info on it to see what "kind" of file it is being registered as?
Cool! What was the solution? I think a bunch of people on Catalina are having problems since they increased security settings on that version, but my laptop isn’t letting me upgrade so I can’t really verify for myself ;;
i love this game! just out of genuine curiosity does anything happen when you press 'books' or 'bike' during that store scene? i pressed 'keys' and was just wondering what happens when you press the other options:)
Do you know what operating system you have? As a last ditch attempt you might try restarting your computer but I don't know if that would actually do anything.
this game is absolutely gorgeous. i cried through almost the entire thing, and i already want to play it again. coming from someone that has been torn up about eddie's death since the second movie came out, thank you for making this.
HOW DID YOU MAKE THIS?! I literally cried at the end, i love this game so much. I only have one question. How did you make this? Id absolutely love to make a game for another franchise.How did you develop this?
Hi! I was wondering what to do if on Linux, when you type in Is and press enter it says command not found despite you doing everything? Ive tried and tried for the last 20 minutes and it doesnt seem to be working :(. Sorry!
Also, if you haven't gotten it working yet could you redownload the file? I had to very quickly fix something- shouldn't affect gameplay too much but it was annoying me.
I may eventually be able to get a chromebook build (I’m gonna try anyways), but I can almost certainly say I won’t be able to get this working for iPad (the Apple app store process is pretty stringent).
Sadly not compatible with chromebook right now! If I can figure out how I may add an android build in the future- I know some chromebooks can run android apps, but this may take some time and no guarantees. Sorry about that!
I did actually figure out a chromebook build! It’s just a little complicated to set up and I haven’t gone through the whole game to see if it breaks or not- so if you have a different machine I would still recommend you use that!
what is supposed to happen after bill goes down the tunnel hole thing after they saved bev (sorry i cant remember the name of the hole thing as i call it) because im allowed to move but its not letting me go down and ben beverly and eddie are just standing there.
hello! so every time I enter the sewers part, right where you have to turn right to get to the water area were bee is pulled in and the gang has to swim in and find her, that area is just.. nonexistent? I've tried re downloading on different browsers and everything. Im not very tech savvy but any tips? example:
and this wouldn't be a major setback usually since you could just follow behind the others, but it completely prevents me from being able to enter the trapdoor after they save Bev.
or! ill either get some messed up version of this, which shows my bookmarks bar from google?? so bizarre?? i tried downloading on safari as well but that failed to.
Hahahaha wow, oh my god that's beautiful something has clearly gone wrong
Do you know what operating system/version you have? I tested it on relatively modern architectures so I'm thinking it might break in fun ways on older ones...whoops
Yeah, its sorta entertaining to try and read all the screwy writing. I tested it and downloaded the game on a family members computer and the same thing happened, both are MacBooks using macOS Sierra, so not the newest so i'm sure thats why this was going on, but good news is i was able to get through the trapdoor after a couple tries and everything seems to be going well after that mishap. Thanks!
Cool! If its ok could you just check something for me real quick (I do want to get to the bottom of this, because it seems the game works perfectly for the majority of people and then breaks in really strange ways for a small handful) ? Could you tell me the processor you have (apple icon->About This Mac, probably the same place you check the OS version)
← Return to game
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hey, does anyone know a way i could play this game on a MacBook air?
Im having the same issue it just wont download, did you get it to work?
I managed to get it to work, go to settings-> security & privacy-> lock button & then type your mac password-> advanced and then confirm I believe?
Yep I'm still having the same problem I've tried everything
Hi!! i really want to play this game but on my chromebook it says choose an app to open with but i dont have anything, what should i do?
Did you download the Linux build? I actually have a set of pretty comprehensive steps on getting this to run on Chromebook in the Install Instructions, not sure if you’re following them or not.
Hi! Just finished the game today. I cried but in a good way. It's amazing, I couldn't stop smiling at the end. So good. I hope I see more of your projects in the future!
Hey i'm on windows and i was wondering if theres anyway of making the screen bigger since it's really small for some reason
On the main menu if you go to instructions/settings it should have a couple of large sizes (you’ll have to restart/load the game to get to it though)
the game won't download because it's not safe and might put a virus on my computer. any suggestions on how i can get it to work properly? i have a mac book pro, if that helps at all.
You’ll have to change either your browser or computer settings to be less strict, depending on which is giving you the warning. In general, it’s good to be vigilant in regards to internet security, but itch.io is a pretty popular/reputable website for indie games and I certainly haven’t put a virus in this file, so your computer will probably be fine!
so i tried to download the file multiple times but idk how computers work lol. it downloaded but idk how to open it. (i have a windows 10 if that helps in anyway)
click on the zip file, then open up the first file inside, then click the 'use your outside voice' application, it might come up with a virus warning but continue anyways, and then extract the files, it should turn into a little turtle and then you can play it. thats what worked for me :P also make sure its the right windows (theres a 32 bit one too)
i have no idea how to get on this game
You go to the bottom of the page to the Downloads section and download the zip file that corresponds to your operating system.
brilliant work! i was surprised to see that you made the music, which i enjoyed a lot as well. i'm looking forward to any future projects you produce, keep up the great work!
heyy so im at the part where mike and bill go down the tunnel, but i cant go with them, what should i do?
Talk to Eddie!
Thanks i just finished, the game was so amazing <33
where is that version?
It should be with the other downloadable files at the bottom of the page (its labeled OutsideVoice_Windows(32bit).zip)
I have a Windows 10, and as for the bits, I have 32 bits
That'll be the problem! The current Windows version is 64 bit so incompatible with your architecture- the vast majority of machines in the last 5 years are 64 bit so 32 bit is slowly getting phased out. I just added a 32 bit build which should be compatible with your laptop.
hi,I can't open the game on my Windows It says I have to find another version for the device, what should I do? (sorry for my english)
What version (8, vista, 10, etc) of Windows do you have? Can you tell if its a 32 bit or 64 bit machine (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/determine-whether-your-computer-is-running-a-32-bit-version-or-64-bit-version-of-the-windows-operating-system-aac162a1-0cb3-46f2-888f-2f22897396ce?ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us)
I just finihed it and i'm pretty obsessed!! Ik i'm gonna play it over and over again. Great job, and just... THANK YOU!! it truly helped my Reddie depression
hi, for some reason my Macbook air whenever I open the game it just says a whole bunch of words and stuff so then I tried the terminal thing and it didn't work its says the 'kind' was application, if anyone could help me that would be great :)
What exactly does the text say? Also what version of macOS (catalina, etc) are you running?
I am on Catalina, the text says "
ÄÄ__stubs__TEXTääÄ__stub_helper__TEXTêêÄ__unwind_info__TEXT¨H¨Ë__DATA__nl_symbol_ptr__DATA__la_symbol_ptr__DATAH__LINKEDIT P"Ä0 @ h 8! P
(! /usr/lib/dyld0RÏØ`ò2Çõ√®¯L±›∫$
*(ÄÄ P@executable_path/../Frameworks/UnityPlayer.dylib 0 ê/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib 8˙‰/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&` )h UHâÂ]Èˇ%ÄLçqASˇ%aêhÈÊˇˇˇÄ44ã4 †"Q@dyld_stub_binderQrêr@__Z10PlayerMainiPPKcê__mh_execute_headerÄ<d£d¨fu¸`^.Ä
@ __mh_execute_header__Z10PlayerMainiPPKcdyld_stub_binder/Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/OSXPlayer/ShippedSource/MacPlayerEntryPoint/Main.cpp/Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/UnityPlayerExe/Mac64_nondev_m_r/62mt/Main.o_main_main" idk what it mean but if it helps I am opening it through package contents because I read and did all the other things from the comments and they didn't work so this was the closest I could get to opening it and when I open it with terminal tab it just says "
Last login: Sat Jun 20 03:28:49 on ttys001
briannagasper@MacBook-Air OutsideVoice.app % " any help is greatly appreciated :)
That’s really weird... that’s an error message you’d normally see while trying to build the game, not while trying to run it.
Can you delete all traces of this app and just try redownloading it?
The “kind” after executing the steps in the video should be “unix executable”, not “application” (of the Use Your Outside Voice file under Contents/MacOS; the kind of the OutsideVoice.app file should be “application”), so I’m not sure if something is getting messed up at that step. As a last ditch attempt you might also try renaming the “Use Your Outside Voice” file to something without spaces (which I probably should have done in the first place!)
Edit: You might also try updating xcode- I don't know if it will help, but apparently it's the fix for when this error appears while trying to build the game.
Hi, so i've seen a lot about this game, and really want to play, but for whatever reason, on my windows, it says the folder is denied. I'm fairly new to windows computers, so could you help me troubleshoot perhaps?
Hey! I've seen a lot of awesome stuff about the game! From what I have played IT IS SOOO GOOD!! But it keeps freezing every time I get to when they are adults at the neibolt house. I would really appreciate any help you can offer me because I really want to play this amazing game (If this is any help.. I'm on Windows and on a Acer Laptop.) Please if anyone can help!! :)
Just... at the beginning when they are at the front of the house? Is this right after Bill gives his speech, or after the enter the house?
I have the same problem. Mine is right after Mike stands with them at the entrance after Bill gives his speech. BTW I'm also on Windows and on an Acer laptop, if that info helps. Please help us.
So after Mike joins the Losers you get the controls and can move Richie around... do the arrow keys just not register at this point?
oh shoot I forgot about that, it didn't work before but now it did, guess it was just my faulty keyboard (old laptop), thanks so much!
Hi! I downloaded it on my MacBook Air and it shows up but when i open it it says it can't be opened?
Try these and let me know if it still doesn’t work:
Sorry for taking so long to respond but i've tried those multiple times and it's unfortunately not working for me, any other things i could possibly try?
What happens if you right click OutsideVoice and select Show Package Contents->Contents->MacOS, right click Use Your Outside Voice (the only file in this directory) and try Open or Open with Terminal? If that doesn't work, can you right click/get info on it to see what "kind" of file it is being registered as?
hi! I was wondering what the name of the song or whatever.. It’s near to the end of the game where the losers are walking out of the place where they defeated pennywise...(just before the hospital scene) If you can please let me know, Thank you!
I made the music in the game! It should be available in the uploaded music.zip file!
You did a great job!! I’m so sorry to bother but how do you get on to the music.zip file?
It should be near the bottom with the rest of the game builds?
ohhh okay thanks!
I’m on windows when i download the file and try to open it it just says ‘the dll isnt found’ :( help would be appreciated <3 !
Did you extract all the files in the directory? Check if there’s a unityplayer.dll in the folder you’ve extracted to.
I still can't open the app on my Mac air :(
if anyone could help me I would appreciate it
What happens when you try? And what have you tried?
I’ve tried all the links and it says cannot open ‘OutsideVoice’ because no application can open it , it also says that it can’t be opened , I don’t know if it’s just my Mac, or something else
Ok- I'm assuming you're on Catalina. What happens if you right click OutsideVoice and select Show Package Contents->Contents->MacOS, right click Use Your Outside Voice (the only file in this directory) and try Open or Open with Terminal? If that doesn't work, can you right click/get info on it to see what "kind" of file it is being registered as?
I have figured out how to do it now! That you :)
Cool! What was the solution? I think a bunch of people on Catalina are having problems since they increased security settings on that version, but my laptop isn’t letting me upgrade so I can’t really verify for myself ;;
I was having the same issue! Please tell me how you got it to work I really would like to play this game
hi! it seems like I'm having the same problem I tried what you said to do but when I hit open it shows a bunch of text :(
Hey, this game looks sooo good! I wonder, can you collab with someone?
Bro, I literally love this game so much! Thank you for making this because I was still not over Eddie's death.
im trying to get into the game but its saying the dll file was not found im on a windows laptop so im confused
Did you extract all the files in the zip folder to the same location? The ddl file should be one of them
i love this game! just out of genuine curiosity does anything happen when you press 'books' or 'bike' during that store scene? i pressed 'keys' and was just wondering what happens when you press the other options:)
You just get some flavortext and it kicks you back to to the choice until you pick “keys”!
hi! first of all i'm literally in love with your game, second the game in breaking down when stanley comes out from the fridge. can u help please? :)
What happens? Does it just...get stuck? I’m assuming you’ve tried restarting the game.
sorry for my english btw im from turkey :) its like kicking me out from the game and yeah i restart the game multiple times
Do you know what operating system you have? As a last ditch attempt you might try restarting your computer but I don't know if that would actually do anything.
i tried from another computer and it worked! thanks for helping!! :3
this game is absolutely gorgeous. i cried through almost the entire thing, and i already want to play it again. coming from someone that has been torn up about eddie's death since the second movie came out, thank you for making this.
It won't let me open it ;c
nvm, I got it
My computer won't let me open it. :(
HOW DID YOU MAKE THIS?! I literally cried at the end, i love this game so much. I only have one question. How did you make this? Id absolutely love to make a game for another franchise.How did you develop this?
Hi! I was wondering what to do if on Linux, when you type in Is and press enter it says command not found despite you doing everything? Ive tried and tried for the last 20 minutes and it doesnt seem to be working :(. Sorry!
ls as in "L S", not "I"!
Also, if you haven't gotten it working yet could you redownload the file? I had to very quickly fix something- shouldn't affect gameplay too much but it was annoying me.
holy shit!! this game is so well executed and very very amazing dialogue. stan made me BALL. 10/10 very much recommend
im sad, I have a Mac and for some reason it won't let me play
Try these and let me know if it still doesn’t work:
it doesn't work for me :'(
same for me. its not letting me play. it says
'use your outside voice! richie tozier" isnt opened. and im just like. yeah. thats what im trying to get it to do
i was wondering if it is possible to play this on an ipad, i only have a chromebook so other wise i cant play it )):
I may eventually be able to get a chromebook build (I’m gonna try anyways), but I can almost certainly say I won’t be able to get this working for iPad (the Apple app store process is pretty stringent).
Update: I got something that will run on chromebooks, but it takes some finagling. I added some steps under install instructions
i have an chromebook, does anyone know how to open this on there? please help if you can :')
Sadly not compatible with chromebook right now! If I can figure out how I may add an android build in the future- I know some chromebooks can run android apps, but this may take some time and no guarantees. Sorry about that!
all good! ill try again on a family members computer :)
I did actually figure out a chromebook build! It’s just a little complicated to set up and I haven’t gone through the whole game to see if it breaks or not- so if you have a different machine I would still recommend you use that!
i finished playing about an hour ago and it was great! i cried a lot :')
This is amazing,, don't mind me just gonna go cry over it rq :')
what is supposed to happen after bill goes down the tunnel hole thing after they saved bev (sorry i cant remember the name of the hole thing as i call it) because im allowed to move but its not letting me go down and ben beverly and eddie are just standing there.
Go talk to Eddie!
thank you :)
This was an emotional rollercoaster. THANK YOU for making this beautiful game. I loved every second of IT
I finished it and it was such an amazing game! I cried lmao- Every IT-Stan should play it! it`s worth it! Love and Greetings
hello! so every time I enter the sewers part, right where you have to turn right to get to the water area were bee is pulled in and the gang has to swim in and find her, that area is just.. nonexistent? I've tried re downloading on different browsers and everything. Im not very tech savvy but any tips? example:
and this wouldn't be a major setback usually since you could just follow behind the others, but it completely prevents me from being able to enter the trapdoor after they save Bev.
thats what is happening to me, do you know how to fix it?
or! ill either get some messed up version of this,
which shows my bookmarks bar from google?? so bizarre?? i tried downloading on safari as well but that failed to.
Hahahaha wow, oh my god that's beautiful something has clearly gone wrong
Do you know what operating system/version you have? I tested it on relatively modern architectures so I'm thinking it might break in fun ways on older ones...whoops
Yeah, its sorta entertaining to try and read all the screwy writing. I tested it and downloaded the game on a family members computer and the same thing happened, both are MacBooks using macOS Sierra, so not the newest so i'm sure thats why this was going on, but good news is i was able to get through the trapdoor after a couple tries and everything seems to be going well after that mishap. Thanks!
Cool! If its ok could you just check something for me real quick (I do want to get to the bottom of this, because it seems the game works perfectly for the majority of people and then breaks in really strange ways for a small handful) ? Could you tell me the processor you have (apple icon->About This Mac, probably the same place you check the OS version)
Sure! "1.6 GHz Intel Core i5" it says.